- Go to https://map.yellowfox.de/gprsv2/index.asp?..
- Log in to your account
- Click on gear icon
- Go to “Verwaltung” ->”Hardware” -> “Fahrzeugbezogene Einstellungen”
- Click on “Neue Fahrzeuggruppe erstellen”
- Set the group name e.g. “CO3” and select the vehicles, then click “Gruppe erstellen”
- Select “Verwaltung” -> “Administration RTI”
- Go to “Globale Schlüssel” and copy Firmenschlüssel
- Go to “Fahrzeuggruppen Schlüssel”
- Copy RTI Schlüssel next to CO3 group
- Enter the keys on CO3 platform (API key – RTI Schlüssel, Login – Firmenschlüssel)